Ball Valves Face-to-face and End-to-end Dimensions

API 6D Ball Valves (side entry) Face-to-face (A) and End-to-end (B,C) Dimensions in millimeters, including floating and trunnion ball valves, long and short pattern, full bore and reduced bore. 


1. The dimesnions for floating and trunnion ball valves are the same for same sizes & pressure ratings.

2. Tolerance:
±0.06 in. (1.5 mm) on valve sizes 10 in. and smaller
 ±0.12 in. (3.0 mm) on valve sizes 12 in. and larger

ball valve face to face dimension (raised face)
ball valve end to end dimension (ring joint)
ball valve end to end dimension (weld end)
ball valve face to face dimension (raised face)
ball valve end to end dimension (ring joint)
ball valve end to end dimension (weld end)


Class 150 Ball Valve Dimensions
(Dimensions in millimeters)

NPS DN Long Pattern, Full Bore and Reduced Bore Short Pattern, Full Bore and Reduced Bore
    Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint
    A B C A B C
    Class 150
2" 50 178 216 191
2-1/2" 65 191 241 203
3" 80 203 283 216
4" 100 229 305 241
6" 150 394 457 406 267 403 279
8" 200 457 521 470 292 419 305
10" 250 533 559 546 330 457 343
12" 300 610 635 622 356 502 368
14" 350 686 762 699
16" 400 762 838 775
18" 450 864 914 876
20" 500 914 991 927
24" 600 1067 1143 1080
26" 650 1143 1245
28" 700 1245 1346
30" 750 1295 1397
32" 800 1372 1524
34" 850 1473 1626
36" 900 1524 1727

Class 300 Ball Valve Dimensions
(Dimensions in millimeters)

NPS DN Long Pattern, Full Bore and Reduced Bore Short Pattern,Full Bore,and Reduced
    Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint
    A B C A B C
    Class 300
2" 50 216 216 232
21/2" 65 241 241 257
3" 80 283 283 298
4" 100 305 305 321
6" 150 403 457 419
8" 200 502 521 518 419 419 435
10" 250 568 559 584 457 457 473
12" 300 648 635 664 502 502 518
14" 350 762 762 778
16" 400 838 838 854
18" 450 914 914 930
20" 500 991 991 1010
22" 550 1092 1092 1114
24" 600 1143 1143 1165
26" 650 1245 1245 1270
28" 700 1346 1346 1372
30" 750 1397 1397 1422
32" 800 1524 1524 1553
34" 850 1626 1626 1654
36" 900 1727 1727 1756

Class 600-900 Ball Valve Dimensions
(Dimensions in millimeters)

NPS DN Full Bore,and Reduced Bore Full Bore,and Reduced Bore
    Raised Face Raised Face Raised Face Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint
    A A A A B C
    Class 600 Class 900
2" 50 292 292 292 368 368 371
21/2" 65 330 330 13.00330 419 419 422
3" 80 356 356 356 381 381 384
4" 100 432 432 432 457 457 460
6" 150 559 559 559 610 610 613
8" 200 660 660 660 737 737 740
10" 250 787 787 787 838 838 841
12" 300 838 838 838 965 965 968
14" 350 889 889 889 1029 1029 1038
16" 400 991 991 991 1130 1130 1140
18" 450 1092 1092 1092 1219 1219 1232
20" 500 1194 1194 1194 1321 1321 1334
22" 550 1295 1295 1295
24" 600 1397 1397 1397 1549 1549 1568

Class 1500-2500 Ball Valve Dimensions
(Dimensions in millimeters)

NPS DN Full Bore and Reduced Bore Full Bore and Reduced Bore
    Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint Raised Face Weld End Ring Joint
    A B C A B C
    Class 1500 Class 2500
2" 50 368 368 371 451 451 454
2-1/2" 65 419 419 422 508 508 514
3" 80 470 470 473 578 578 584
4" 100 546 546 549 673 673 683
6" 150 705 705 711 914 914 927
8" 200 832 832 841 1022 1022 1038
10" 250 991 991 1000 1270 1270 1292
12" 300 1130 1130 1146 1422 1422 1445
14" 350 1257 1257 1276
16" 400 1384 1384 1407
18" 450 1537 1559
20" 500 1664 1686
22" 550
24" 600 1972
26" 650 1943

Leave Us Your Info

Could you please kindly fulfill the following information when enquiring:

Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)